December 2022

Evaluation system for seasonal climate forecast in Ecuador

General Objective: Develop an automatic climate forecast evaluation system using source computational code for evaluation/verification of large volumes of data based on online code (streamline code) and optimized for high-performance computing. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: YACHAY TECH, ESPOL, IKIAM Participants: Project Director Luis Eduardo Pineda Ordóñez, Ph.D. Engineering Sciences […]

Evaluation system for seasonal climate forecast in Ecuador Read More »

CHONTA (Biological diversity of Bactris gasipaes in Ecuador)

General Objective: Evaluate the biological diversity of the populations of Chonta (Bactris gasipeas Kunth) in the Coast and Amazon of Ecuador. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: PUCE, ESPE, ESPOCH, UCE, French Institute for Development Research. Participants: Project Director Rommel Montúfar, Ph.D. – PUCE Awarded budget: $73452 Project status: Signing of agreements.

CHONTA (Biological diversity of Bactris gasipaes in Ecuador) Read More »

Discovering the diversity of autochthonous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with cocoa (Theobroma cacao), cedar (Cedrela montana) and guayusa (Ilex guayusa): a first step towards obtaining biofertilizers and the sustainable development of agrofo

General Objective: Evaluate the diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with the species of agroforestry interest cacao (Theobroma cacao), cedar (Cedrela montana) and guayusa (Ilex guayusa) in three regions of Ecuador. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: IKIAM, YACHAY TECH, ESPOL. Participants: Project Director Leopoldo Naranjo, Doctor in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology – IKIAM Awarded budget: $36,871.52 State of the

Discovering the diversity of autochthonous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with cocoa (Theobroma cacao), cedar (Cedrela montana) and guayusa (Ilex guayusa): a first step towards obtaining biofertilizers and the sustainable development of agrofo Read more »

Strengthening food safety in Ecuador - Phase II: Mitigation strategies for microbial pathogens, mycotoxins and heavy metals in food

General Objective: The objective of this project is to contribute to the improvement of food safety in Ecuador through the development of mitigation strategies for microbial, mycotoxic and heavy metal contaminants in the most consumed foods in the country and validation of the impact of a program. nationwide training. Specific Objectives Institutions

Strengthening food safety in Ecuador – Phase II: Mitigation strategies for microbial pathogens, mycotoxins and heavy metals in food Read More »

Evaluation of urban pedestrian environments for the identification of safe school routes in intermediate cities

General Objective: The general objective of this study is the development and pilot application of a method and tool for the evaluation and design of safe school routes in two intermediate cities in Ecuador. These safe routes are urban corridors that offer attractive conditions so that boys and girls can walk or pedal safely.

Evaluation of pedestrian urban environments for the identification of safe school routes in intermediate cities Read More »

Identification of biogeochemical and hydrological processes in wetlands using stable isotope techniques: comparing páramo and Amazonian ecosystems in southern Ecuador for greenhouse gas mitigation

General Objective: Identify biogeochemical and hydrological processes in wetlands with stable isotope techniques in the páramo and the Amazon of southern Ecuador to propose conservation lines and eventual generation of public policy. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: UTA, UCACUE, University of Bayreuth. Participants: Project Director Gustavo Chacón Vintimilla, PhD. In Biology – UDA. Budget

Identification of biogeochemical and hydrological processes in wetlands using stable isotope techniques: comparing páramo and Amazon ecosystems in southern Ecuador for greenhouse gas mitigation Read More »

Formulation of biosanitizers from microbial surfactants for their application in the Food industry

General Objective: The general objective of this project is to evaluate microbial surfactants (MST) isolated from Ecuadorian Bacillus strains for the development of sustainable cleaning systems and thus, potentially, replace the synthetic surfactants LAS and SLES. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: ESPOL, UTA, ESPE. Participants: Project Director Jonathan Ricardo Coronel León, PhD. In Biotechnology – ESPOL.

Formulation of biosanitizers from microbial surfactants for its application in the Food industry Read More »

Collaborative System of Aerial Robots to Handle Loads with Optimal Consumption of Resources

General Objective: Develop a collaborative control scheme that allows multiple aerial manipulator robots to optimally maneuver, in order to execute autonomous and tele-operated tasks that require both navigation and manipulation capabilities. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: ESPE, ESPOCH, UNACH, UTI, UIDE, Central University of Venezuela. Participants: Project Director Jorge Sánchez, MSc. In Teaching

Collaborative System of Aerial Robots to Handle Loads with Optimal Consumption of Resources Read More »

Physicochemical characterization and bioactivity tests of Andean floral species with nutritional potential and preventive effect of certain human diseases

General Objective: Physically-chemically characterize and bioactivity tests of Andean floral species with nutritional potential and preventive effect on certain human diseases. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: UPS, UTE, UTA, INIAP, University of Seville. Participants: Project Director Elena del Rocío Coyago Cruz, PhD. Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Sustainable Rural Development Engineering – UPS. Awarded budget: $74,400 State

Physicochemical characterization and bioactivity tests of Andean floral species with nutritional potential and preventive effect of certain human diseases Read More »

Nonlinear dynamic systems, chaos, complex systems, simulation, coupled map networks

General Objective: Study and characterize the emergent behaviors in complex systems subject to the influence of two global fields, one field generated by an external forcing and another internal or autonomous. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: YACHAY TECH, PUCE. Participants: Project Director Orlando Alvarez Llamoza, PhD. – UCACUE. Awarded budget: $37,931 Project status: Signing of agreements.

Nonlinear dynamic systems, chaos, complex systems, simulation, coupled map networks Read More »