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Santiago Ruilova

Accessible digital therapeutic education platform for people with respiratory rehabilitation needs

General Objective: Develop an accessible digital platform that provides therapeutic education to users according to their age, through distance respiratory self-rehabilitation sessions. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: UDLA, PUCE, EPN, INDOAMERICA Participants: Project Director Nelly Patricia Acosta Vargas. Awarded budget: $50,000.00 Project status: Completed

Accessible digital therapeutic education platform for people with respiratory rehabilitation needs Read more »

Study of the laboratory performance of filters based on lignocellulosic materials as cadmium adsorbents in soil

General Objective: Describe the main objective of your proposal, this must be achieved during the development of the project. Identify the purpose towards which resources and efforts should be directed. It is the set of results that the project aims to achieve through the actions. Study the laboratory performance of filters based on materials

Study of the laboratory performance of filters based on lignocellulosic materials as cadmium adsorbents in soil Read more »

Design and simulation of a wave energy converter (WEC) for the conditions of the Ecuadorian territorial sea, with emphasis on the Galapagos Islands

General Objective: Design and simulate a Wave Energy Converter (WEC) for the specific conditions of the Ecuadorian territorial sea, with emphasis on the Galapagos Islands. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: EPN, ESPOL, USFQ. Participants: Project Director Segundo Jesús Portilla Yandún. Awarded Budget: $13,572.22 Project Status: Completed

Design and simulation of a wave energy converter (WEC) for the conditions of the Ecuadorian territorial sea, with emphasis on the Galapagos Islands Read more »

Waste to Chemicals: Obtaining lactic acid through catalysts synthesized from industrial sludge as an alternative for recovering residual glycerol.

General Objective: Obtain lactic acid from glycerol using catalysts synthesized from residual industrial sludge. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: UCE, UCUENCA, UDA. Participants: Project director Carolina Del Rocio Montero Calderón. Awarded Budget: $49,500.00 Project Status: Completed

Waste to Chemicals: Obtaining lactic acid through catalysts synthesized from industrial sludge as an alternative for recovering residual glycerol. Read more "

Impact of a nutritional intervention based on Lupinus Mutabilis Sweet in schoolchildren in areas with high prevalence of malnutrition - Chimborazo and Galapagos-Ecuador, 2022-2023

General Objective: The objective of the present study is to test the beneficial effect of supplementation with a snack based on L. mutabilis Sweet on the nutritional status and intestinal microbiota of schoolchildren in areas with a high prevalence of malnutrition: city of Riobamba, province of Chimborazo and Santa Cruz Island, in the

Impact of a nutritional intervention based on Lupinus Mutabilis Sweet in schoolchildren in areas with high prevalence of malnutrition - Chimborazo and Galapagos-Ecuador, 2022-2023 Read more »

Training in BIPLOT Techniques for Advanced Analysis of Multivariate Data.

Status: Completed General Objective: Train teacher-researchers involved in the area of ​​statistics and in Research, of Higher Education Institutions, assigned to this proposal in Biplot Techniques for Advanced Analysis of Multivariate data; through theoretical/practical classes, in the hybrid modality (in-person and virtual) Participants: ESPOL, UG, ESPOCH Project director:

Training in BIPLOT Techniques for Advanced Analysis of Multivariate Data. Read more "

Advanced Numerical Methods Applied in Engineering

Status: Completed General Objective: Train teachers and researchers from participating Higher Education Institutions in order to provide different numerical methods to be implemented in applications in different areas of Engineering, namely: Electronics, Mechatronics, Robotics, among others. Specific Objective: Participants: ESPE, UTI, ESPOCH Project Director: Jorge Saúl Sánchez Mosquera Researchers: Budget

Advanced Numerical Methods Applied in Engineering Read more »

Treatment, use and valorization of solid organic waste from urban and rural sectors of the provinces of Loja and Azuay.

Status: Completed General Objective: Establish a technical-scientific training program in appropriate technologies for the use, recovery and treatment of organic solid waste, through the articulation of inter-university projects framed in the circular economy. Participants: UTPL, UPS, UNL Project director: Researchers: Awarded budget: $10,000

Treatment, use and valorization of solid organic waste from urban and rural sectors of the provinces of Loja and Azuay. Read more "