Santiago Ruilova

Drilling fluids based on biopolymers and 2-dimensional objects for applications in hydrocarbon exploration and production processes "BIOFLUID2D"

General Objective: Prepare water-based drilling fluids using biopolymers and 2D nanoparticles such as graphene sheets or 2D nano-clays (vermiculite). Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: YACHAY, EPN, ESPE. Participants: Project Director Eng. Camilo Zamora Ledezma, PhD. Awarded budget: $37872 Project status: Signing of agreements.

Drilling fluids based on biopolymers and 2-dimensional objects for applications in hydrocarbon exploration and production processes "BIOFLUID2D" Read More »

Germination ecology of native páramo species focused on propagation and in situ management for ecological restoration

General Objective: Determine the germination ecology of native species of Páramo focused on propagation and in situ management for restoration. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: UC, UDA, UCE, FONAG. Participants: Project Director Ing. Ximena Palomeque, PhD. Awarded budget: $45608 Project status: Signing of agreements.

Germination ecology of native páramo species focused on propagation and in situ management for ecological restoration Read More »

Determination of the impact and occurrence of emerging pollutants in rivers of the Ecuadorian coast and treatment proposals for their removal

General Objective: Determine the occurrence and impact of emerging pollutants in Esmeraldas rivers, and evaluate the development of an alternative for their removal. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: UCE, PUCE, IKIAM, UDA. Participants: Project Director Ing. Verónica Patricia Pinos Vélez, PhD. Awarded budget: $55,920 Project status: Signing of agreements.

Determination of the impact and occurrence of emerging pollutants in rivers of the Ecuadorian coast and treatment proposals for their removal Read More »

Multi-user immersive technologies oriented towards synergistic teaching-learning systems

General Objective: Develop a teaching system based on immersive technologies which contain 3D virtual environments, allowing sensory immersion and interaction of multiple users to facilitate the teaching-learning process, in order to generate meaningful learning. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: ESPE, ESPOCH, UTA, UTI. Participants: Project Director Eng. Jessica S. Ortiz,

Multi-user immersive technologies oriented towards synergistic teaching-learning systems Read More »

Integration of new technologies for the design of cognitive solutions in assisted living environments for older adults: evaluation of attention and memory areas

General Objective: Integrate new technologies for the design of cognitive solutions in assisted living environments for older adults: evaluation of attention and memory areas. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: UCE, UDA, ESPE, UTI. Participants: Project Director Ing. Irene Priscila Cedillo Orellana, PhD. Awarded budget: $61,886.54 Project status: Signing of agreements.

Integration of new technologies for the design of cognitive solutions in assisted living environments for older adults: evaluation of attention and memory areas Read More »

Fusarium Initiative, a multipurpose platform for the prevention and management of tropical Fusarium race 4 in Ecuador - phase I: effectiveness of disinfectant products and analysis of microbiomes associated with bananas

General Objective: Strengthen farm biosecurity measures for the prevention of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense race 4 tropical in Ecuador. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: ESPOL, ESPE, PUCE, AGROCALIDAD. Participants: Project Director Eng. Freddy Magdame, PhD. Awarded budget: $60112 Status of the project: Signing of agreements.

Fusarium Initiative, a multipurpose platform for the prevention and management of tropical Fusarium race 4 in Ecuador - phase I: effectiveness of disinfectant products and analysis of microbiomes associated with bananas Read More »

Integrated treatment system for acid rock drainage from metal mining activities in Ecuador

General Objective: Design and implement a comprehensive system composed of a physical-chemical pre-treatment connected in series to a sulfate-reducing bioreactor on a pilot scale for the treatment of acid rock drainage from metal mining activities in Ecuador. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: USFQ, ESPE, UTA. Participants: Project Director Ing. Valeria Ochoa Herrera PhD.

Comprehensive system for the treatment of acid rock drainage from metal mining activities in Ecuador Read More »

Mitochondria transplantation as a new therapy to improve tissue regeneration in surgical wounds: preclinical trial in mice

General Objective: To evaluate the use of mitochondria transplantation to improve tissue regeneration of a cutaneous surgical wound in preclinical trials. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: USFQ, UPS, UTN, BIOCELLS. Participants: Director of the MD project. Francisco Cabrera, Ph.D. Awarded budget: $63072 Project status: Signing of agreements.

Mitochondria transplantation as a new therapy to improve tissue regeneration in surgical wounds: preclinical trial in mice Read More »

Evaluation of environmentally sustainable technologies for the removal of manganese from catchment water for purification

General Objective: Evaluate biosorption and membrane technologies for the removal of manganese from the catchment water of the Tixán Potabilization Plant, considering environmental, technical and economic aspects. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: UC, UEA, UTA, ETAPA. Participants: Project Director Eng. Mayra Vera, PhD. Awarded budget: $50,855 Project status: Signing of agreements.

Evaluation of environmentally sustainable technologies for the removal of manganese from catchment water for purification Read More »

Physicochemical and functional characterization and bioactivity tests of two ecotypes of grafted and control tree tomato (solanum betaceum cav.) at different maturity index

General Objective: Determine the physical-chemical, functional and bioactivity characteristics of two ecotypes of grafted and control tree tomato (Solanum betaceum Cav.) at different maturity rates. For this, fruits at different degrees of maturity will be collected and the parameters established in the NTE INEN 1909.2009 Standard will be measured on the fruit. The functional compounds

Physicochemical and functional characterization and bioactivity tests of two grafted and control tree tomato ecotypes (solanum betaceum cav.) at different maturity index Read More »