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Santiago Ruilova

Network expansion project

CEDIA manages to connect 30 new offices to its own IP/MPLS NETWORK. CEDIA , with an investment close to 900 thousand USD, has just finished its network expansion project for 2020, managing to connect the following 30 new headquarters to its own IP/MPLS Network. With the new links CEDIA is able to […]

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EFC courses February 2021

The CEDIA Continuing Training School invites you to participate in the Online and Virtual courses for the month of February 2021. Learn more details about our academic offer by visiting our EFC CEDIA website. February Courses• Introduction to Python programming• QA: Software development methodologies and strategies• Planning and evaluation of

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Guide to preventive measures for the return of HEIs in the face of the health emergency due to covid 19

Universities join forces and present to the academic community the following guide of recommendations on the application of preventive measures for returning to classes. CEDIA , the Catholic University of Cuenca, the National University of Chimborazo and the Private Technical University of Loja share with the academic community and the general public the recommendations on

Guide to preventive measures for the return of HEIs in the face of the health emergency due to covid 19 Read More »

WOLFRAM Seminars – WOLFRAM Virtual Laboratories

Learn about Wolfram Virtual Labs. The Wolfram MathCore System Modeler team showed how to use the CollegeThermal and CollegeBiology laboratories to support teaching and showed their new advances in the development of virtual laboratories for pasteurization processes. CollegeThermal ProgramDeveloped in collaboration with Politécnico di Torino contains thermal laboratories for students of

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Telesalud & Teleasistencia – free online medical care platform

Innovation and technology allow us to be close to more Ecuadorian families. We remind you that we continue to provide free assistance in psychological, medical, nutritional and legal care. We present to you the "telesistencia.ec" platform, a free Telehealth and Family Telecare tool, where you will receive medical care in various specialties such as psychological, nutritional and legal assistance. You can connect from

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SMOWLTECH prevents fraud in eLearning Online academic integrity and credibility. CEDIA is pleased to inform all its member institutions that we have a new on-demand service, which is focused on the academic sector. CEDIA , a few days ago, offered its institutions the SMOWLTECH service, a platform that works directly avoiding the

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CEDIA and EnCAJA Tu Proyecto carried out online mentoring

Cooperativism, Design Thinking and Intellectual Property were part of the main themes. CEDIA as an official Partner of the “EnCAJA Tu Proyecto” program of the CAJA Cooperative, which is aimed at providing support to entrepreneurs to be able to develop and promote their businesses in the initial stages, has carried out a series of online mentoring where exhibitors in

CEDIA and EnCAJA Tu Proyecto carried out online mentoring Read More »