IDi Universities Fund

Factors associated with therapeutic response in asthmatic children in the context of SARS-CoV-2

General Objective: To analyze the factors associated with the therapeutic response in asthmatic children from 5 to 17 years of age in the context of SARS-CoV-2. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: UC, UDA, UIDE, UCE. Participants: Project Director Silvana Patricia Donoso Moscoso. Awarded budget: $45,000 Project status: Signing of agreements.

Factors associated with therapeutic response in asthmatic children in the context of SARS-CoV-2 Read more »

Study of the bioeconomic potential of the glucose syrup obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of the banana stem and leaf. A Circular Bioeconomy strategy in Ecuador

General Objective: Determine the bioeconomic potential of glucose syrup obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of banana rachis and leaves, applying a technical and economic analysis of its processing to provide a circular bioeconomy strategy in Ecuador. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: UNEMI, ESPOL, ESPOCH, UTMACH. Participants: Project director Miguel Angel Reinoso Sánchez. Awarded budget: $45,000 State

Study of the bioeconomic potential of the glucose syrup obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of the banana stem and leaf. A Circular Bioeconomy strategy in Ecuador Read More »

Resil-TEX – Resilient plant layout model for MSMEs with a focus on productivity and occupational safety

General Objective: Build a resilient plant distribution model (Resil-TEX) for textile MSMEs with a focus on productivity and occupational safety. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: UC, UDA, UTA, CAPIA. Participants: Director of the project Lorena Catalina Sigüenza Guzmán. Awarded budget: $42,985 Project status: Signing of agreements.

Resil-TEX – Resilient plant layout model for MSMEs with a focus on productivity and occupational safety Read more »

Morphological measurements of the hippocampus using artificial intelligence: a first database in Ecuador

General Objective: Create a first database of the morphological characteristics of the hippocampi in Ecuadorian patients of both sexes aged 18 to 95 years with the purpose of generating robust artificial intelligence algorithms with calculation, correlation, prevention and diagnosis capabilities. neurological, psychiatric and psychological diseases related to alterations in

Morphological measurements of the hippocampus using artificial intelligence: a first database in Ecuador Read More »

Cognitive model of mobility for women farmers in the canton of Cuenca

General Objective: Develop a sustainable mobility model based on cognitive territorial planning for women farmers in the Cuenca canton (Ecuador), in order to reduce their limitations in the use of transportation and public space, within the framework of the marketing of their products. own-grown agricultural crops, through the support of a prototype of

Cognitive model of mobility for women farmers in the canton of Cuenca Read More »

Degradation of Contaminants of Emerging Concern via Photocatalytic Membrane Reactors

General Objective: Evaluate the use of ceramic membranes coated with photocatalytic nanostructures of bismuth oxyiodide (BixOyIz) as a tertiary treatment process for the removal and degradation of emerging contaminants present in the effluents of wastewater treatment plants. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: IKIAM, ESPE, ESPOL, Instituto Superior Universitario Central Técnico. Participants: Director

Degradation of Contaminants of Emerging Concern via Photocatalytic Membrane Reactors Read More »

Profile of polyphenolic compounds in cocoa CCN-51, used in the preparation of artisanal chocolate in southern Ecuador: hallmark and functional properties

General Objective: Characterize the profile of polyphenolic compounds in fresh beans and products derived from the fermentation of clonal CCN-51 cocoa, used in the production of artisanal chocolate by small and medium-sized producers in southern Ecuador, and assess the functional potential through the evaluation of the antioxidant and inhibitory activity of enzymes involved in diseases not

Profile of polyphenolic compounds in cocoa CCN-51, used in the preparation of artisanal chocolate in southern Ecuador: hallmark and functional properties Read More »

Smart agriculture for the monitoring and diagnosis of the corn crop (Zea mays)

General Objective: Diagnose the nutritional status of the corn crop (Zea mays) through an intelligent system based on remote sensing techniques and Deep Learning for modern and sustainable agriculture. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: ESPOL, UTM, UC. Participants: Project Director María Fernanda Calderón Vega. Awarded budget: $38,241.50 Project status: In progress.

Smart agriculture for monitoring and diagnosis of corn (Zea mays) cultivation Read More »

Use of immersive technologies in the teaching-learning of Modern Physics

General Objective: Develop educational innovations based on immersive technologies to strengthen the teaching-learning process of Physical Sciences in Higher Education. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: YACHAY, ESPOCH, UTPL. Participants: Project director Cristian Isaac Vacacela Gomez. Awarded budget: $34,000.00 Project status: In progress.

Use of immersive technologies in the teaching-learning of Modern Physics Read More »

Seroprevalence of IgG and IgA antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in a population over 18 years of age, with moderate risk of exposure and associated factors, in two Andean cities of Ecuador, during the year 2022. Longitudinal study

General Objective: Estimate the seroprevalence rate of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgA antibody over the course of 9 months of observation in people over 18 years of age, with moderate risk of exposure and associated factors, in two Andean cities in Ecuador, during the year 2022. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: UIE, ESPE, UTA. Participants: Project Director Natalia

Seroprevalence of IgG and IgA antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in a population over 18 years of age, with moderate risk of exposure and associated factors, in two Andean cities of Ecuador, during the year 2022. Longitudinal study Read More »