IDi Universities Fund

Comprehensive System of Distance Education Technologies Design and Implementation of the Virtual Teaching-Learning Network (RVEA)

General Objective: Create an academic community that promotes the different courses, events, workshops, seminars, with the participation and active collaboration of CEDIAmembers, through the use of technological tools and Web 2.0. Specific Objectives: Participants: Awarded budget: $28245 Project status: Completed.

Comprehensive System of Distance Education Technologies Design and Implementation of the Virtual Teaching-Learning Network (RVEA) Read More »

Virtual Training System for Medicine

General Objective: Develop a virtual web training system, through user access to three-dimensional models of the human body housed in a cluster, the interaction between the operator and the system will be carried out through virtual navigation tools (helmet and glove). Specific Objectives: Participants: Awarded budget: $29,400 Project status: In progress. Articles:

Virtual Training System for Medicine Read More »

Expansion of the UTPL-EPN-UNANCH-USFQ (ESPOCH) Scientific Network for the Computational Study of Nanosystems

General Objective: Strengthening the computational laboratory for the calculation of material properties and expansion of the UTPL-EPN-UNACH-USFQ scientific collaboration network created within the framework of the 2nd CEPRA call. Specific Objectives: Participants: Project Status: Completed Project Website: Publications Presented During the Execution of the Project Local Robert Cazar, “Optimization of a UV-Visible Spectrophotometer

Expansion of the UTPL-EPN-UNANCH-USFQ (ESPOCH) Scientific Network for the Computational Study of Nanosystems Read More »

Multispectral and Radar Remote Sensing – High Spatial and Temporal Resolution for the Calculation of Water Volumes in the Ecuadorian Andean Zone

General Objective: Develop a technique based on a mathematical model for the calculation of water volumes in the Ecuadorian Andean zone using multispectral remote sensing and radar - high spatial and temporal resolution. Specific Objectives: Participants: Awarded budget: $30,000 Project status: In progress

Multispectral and Radar Remote Sensing – High Spatial and Temporal Resolution for the Calculation of Water Volumes in the Ecuadorian Andean Zone Read More »

Information and Communication Technologies in the Training of Health Professionals

General Objective: Organize, implement and evaluate a training program on the use of ICTs in four Faculties of Medicine and Health Sciences of the Universities of Cuenca, Loja, Autonomous de los Andes and Nacional del Chimborazo, to demonstrate its impact on learning and values ​​in the training process. Specific Objectives: Participants:

Information and Communication Technologies in the Training of Health Professionals Read More »