The event is addressed to the Directors of Information and Communication Technologies of the Higher Education Institutions of Ecuador, who are members of the Corporation.
The CIO Forum University was created 6 years ago with the purpose of promoting a space dedicated to those responsible for Technology of the universities associated with CEDIA. To date, 12 editions have been carried out, with the participation of more than 45 Higher Education Institutions. In each of these editions, academic representatives from the public and private sectors have been successfully connected by presenting the latest trends in information and communication technologies through more than 72 talks and success stories presented.
In addition, these meetings have fostered debates that have made it possible to unify efforts to address the challenges related to ICT in the university environment at a national and international level.

The CIO University Forum is a space for discussion and exchange of experiences. It allows Technology Directors to learn about topics of interest worldwide, present success stories, direct contact with technology trend providers, as well as identify them and provide possible solutions to the needs present in Higher Education Institutions ( IES) Ecuadorian.
We invite you to be part of this select space for discussion and search for solutions.
Annual success stories