After a first meeting with great reception, the II CIO UNIVERSITY took place in INOCAR, Guayaquil on Thursday, June 22, 2017 with the following themes:
• Big Data and Open Data, the data trend.
Norberto Castro and Andrés Fuster – University of Alicante, Spain.
• Presentation of the IT Indicators Project.
Susana Cadena, Robert Enríquez, Rodrigo Padilla and Juan Córdova.
• Round Table: “IT Governance at the Ecuadorian University” .
Participation: UIDE, UCE, ESPOL and University of Alicante.
Moderator: Robert Enriquez
• CEDIA : The IT base in the Ecuadorian academy.
Carlos Guzmán Jaramillo, Technical Director of CEDIA .