The seventh edition of the most important Academic Forum for Directors of Information and Communication Technologies of the Universities of Ecuador was carried out through a collaborative meeting, where the use of technologies in HEIs during 2020, alternatives for improvement, was announced and new options for technological implementations that benefited the management of managers in the academy.

There was a space for interaction to learn about experiences that reflected the transformation that occurred in educational entities, during the accelerated process of technologies in the face of the global health crisis of 2020.

Date: March 04, 2021
Modality: Virtual

Topics of interest

Agenda CIO University VII

March 4

Hour Activity Personnel in charge
3:10 p.m.
Impact on the use of information and communication technologies in HEIs during the pandemic and presentation of the ELSA Platform (LMS)
Eng. Carlos Guzman – CEDIAIT Director
3:45 p.m.
Blockchain in the Academy
Eng. Claudio Chacón – R&D&I Development Coordinator
4:10 p.m.
Digital transformation in Ecuadorian universities, opportunities for improvement derived from the 2017, 2018 and 2019 studies and the role of the CIO in the Ecuadorian university