CEDIAstrategic alignment: Sustainable Development Goals

The Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia - CEDIA joins the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) according to the United Nations Development Program - UNDP , global objectives undertaken in 2015 with the purpose of building overall an innovative, competitive and sustainable country.

This project seeks to commit entrepreneurs to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda according to the alignments that being the company entails as such, with an action plan to eradicate poverty, achieve sustained economic growth, combat climate change or promote peaceful societies. All this thanks to a global commitment. (Equator 2030, 2019)

Below are the Sustainable Development Goals that CEDIA aligns with:

In order to continue with the actions undertaken to improve the quality of life of all people, world leaders have defined an ambitious long-term program to increase the well-being of their peoples with the slogan that no one is left behind and to seek a sustainable coexistence with the environment.

The Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and the Academy, from its very conception, is constituted as a private non-profit organization and whose higher purpose lies in collaborative work to generate and promote research networks at the national and international levels. for the benefit of society.

CEDIA 's responsibility towards present and future society makes our organization strive to efficiently manage the technological resources that our members require for their daily academic activities in order to allocate greater economic resources to obtain funds for scientific research. , technological development and innovation and technology transfer.

In this sense, CEDIA 's Corporate Social Responsibility strategy contemplates a series of general objectives in the short and long term:

  • Act responsibly and ethically in all our day-to-day work activities, and ensure that our collaborators, clients, suppliers perceive a space of trust inside and outside our organization.
  • Contribute strongly to the Scientific Community of Ecuador, with R&D&i programs that include everything from base financing in all branches of knowledge, with their correct monitoring, follow-up and execution, to the protection of results with transfer potential available to the society.
    *Our “Work Groups” programs and since the 1st. Call for the “CEPRA” program, the winning projects of these calls involve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs – defined by the United Nations.
  • Position the Ecuadorian Academy as a key actor in the National and Regional Innovation Ecosystem, linking the demand of the productive sector with the academic offer generated by our members; In this way, our CSR complies with transferring the research results towards the constant needs of society.
  • Promote the principles: "Collaborative Network Work" and Economies of Scale, principles that allow an effective acquisition of technologies and favorable bargaining power for our members, optimizing the resources available for Science, Technology and Innovation.
  • Reduce the environmental impacts of our day-to-day operations through advanced technology.
  • Protect the safety of CEDIA employees through teleworking despite national provisions and traffic light regulations during the COVID 19 global pandemic.
  • Inform: with the implementation of CEDIA's Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy, an annual report will be prepared that will include the relationship of the participation of each of our members with the programs, calls and benefits and their social impact (SDG).

The Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia - CEDIA is part of the United Nations Global Compact UN since September 23, 2020 - Corporate responsibility initiative, the largest in the world with almost 12,000 commercial and non-commercial participants in 140 countries . It aims to develop global standards to understand, implement, and report on business engagement on these issues. Commitments As a participant, the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia - CEDIA undertakes to:

  • Support the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact regarding human rights, labor, the environment and the fight against corruption.
  • Advance these principles within your sphere of influence and make a clear statement of this commitment to your stakeholders and the general public.
  • Participate in the activities of the UN Global Compact according to your type of organization
  • Communicate every two years with your stakeholders about your commitment to the Global Compact and your efforts to support the ten principles, and post this Communication on Commitment (COE) on the UN Global Compact website

You can review the status of activity through the following link .

CEDIA manages the following objectives according to its work alignment, according to the benefits below: