Disclosure Fund Bases

The DIVULGA FUND, previously known as the Divulga Ciencia program, was born out of the need to support researchers and inventors belonging to CEDIAmember institutions, with resources to cover the costs derived from the presentation of their high-impact articles at international events.  

The DIVULGA FUND aims to finance the dissemination of scientific work carried out by researchers and inventors belonging to CEDIA member institutions at high-impact scientific events worldwide.

The Divulga Fund is intended to support researchers and inventors to disseminate their creations at international events. In this sense, the fund will cover participation in these events regardless of whether they are:

  • Scientific articles or;
  • Patents

CEDIA, through the DIVULGA FUND, invites researchers and inventors from its member institutions to compete for funding to present the results of their research at high-impact scientific events worldwide.

For the programming of the fund, 3 phases are contemplated:

  • Application Phase: From February 6, until September 13, 2024; or until funds are exhausted.
  • Project Development Phase: includes activities related to the management of registration payment, purchase of tickets and travel expenses. This phase will have an execution period of up to 3 months.
  • Knowledge Management Phase: specific activities in knowledge management or dissemination and dissemination of results as appropriate, according to the nature of the project. For this purpose, the services of CEDIA , and each project must undergo a knowledge management evaluation.

Table 1: Fund Execution Deadlines

Background Phases 1 to 1 

Execution time 

Project Development Phase 

Up to 3 months 

Knowledge Management Phase 

Up to 2 months from the closing of the project development phase 


The DIVULGA FUND proposals must comply with the following guidelines and requirements:

to. The application must be registered on the EasyChair platform in PDF format, which must include the application form and annexes available at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=divulga2024

b. Present the letter of commitment and responsibility signed by the legal representative of the participating Institution, available at: https:// cedia .edu.ec/docs/fondos/FondoDivulga/CARTA%20DE%20COMPROMISO%20Y%20RESPONSABILIDAD%202024.docx

c. The commitment letters from both the Legal Representative and the guardian (when applicable) must be uploaded to the EasyChair platform in PDF format.

d. If the commitment letters have a physical signature, they must be sent to the CEDIA – Cuenca facilities.

and. Those researchers who maintain open projects in the development phase of the project awarded in previous calls for this fund will not be able to apply to the Divulga Fund.

F. Whoever applies must not owe CEDIA reports or other documents in relation to previous calls, a situation that will be verified by the project management area.

g. The applicant must be registered within the Ecuadorian Repository of Researchers (REDI): https://redi. cedia .edu.ec/ and the information must be updated at the time of application.

h. The applicant must enter the ORCID code in the Application Form and update their profile information on the date of application.

Yo. The participant must be listed as the author or co-author of the scientific article to be presented, or failing that, as the inventor of the patent.

j. The participant must be a teacher, researcher or student at one of the CEDIAmember institutions. In the case of a student, he or she must have a teacher who acts as his or her tutor.

k. In the case of a student, the tutor must sign the document available at: https:// cedia .edu.ec/docs/fondos/FondoDivulga/Carta%20Compromiso%20Tutor%20del%20 Estudiante%202024.docx as backup of the application.

l. The institutional affiliation of the participating author or, failing that, the ownership or co-ownership of the invention, must be from a CEDIA member institution and must be stated in the article or patent to be presented.

m. The conference (for scientific articles) or event (for patents) must have a history; That is, at least three previous editions must have been made.

n. Submit the acceptance email from the organizers of the event and/or congress, as well as the tentative agenda.

either. Submit the proposal at least 60 days before the date of the event or conference.

p. The conference or event where the scientific articles or patents will be presented must be held in the same year as the call, no later than December.

Scientific Articles:

q. The book of proceedings where the conference articles will be published must be indexed in high-impact databases (SCOPUS / WOS). Therefore, links must be provided to verify the relevance of the exhibition.

r. The article to be presented must be complete (full paper). Proposals corresponding to extended summaries, posters, short articles, etc. will not be accepted.


s. Patents must be published and present the complete descriptive memory.


to. Funding must be requested for only one author/co-author/inventor per proposal.

b. CEDIA will grant up to:

  • $4,000.00 per application for scientific articles
  • $5,000.00 per patent application.

c. CEDIA 's contribution will be managed directly. Only in exceptional cases and under prior approval will the proponent be able to make payments for the items that CEDIA finances, and these may be reimbursed according to internal processes.

d. CEDIA will be the one who purchases the air tickets, leaving the airline, class and flight dates at its discretion. Travel dates include one day before and one day after the event.

and. The budget assigned to the project may finance the following items:

  1. Registration/Registration for the congress or invention fair: Without budget restriction.
  2. Tickets and Subsistence: According to the following breakdown:

Table 2: Travel financing

Travel item 

Maximum budget allowed 

Travel expenses   



Values ​​assigned per day. Includes 3 meals and internal mobilization. 


Up to USD 100.00 per night. 


According to quote   

 *If the accommodation includes breakfast, the amount of USD will be subtracted. 15.00 allocated for this purpose.

3) Stand: For invention fairs, a quote may be requested for the supplies required for the stand. CEDIA must be used through its specialized units.

4) Knowledge Management Plan: a fixed value of USD 400.00 will be allocated for specific activities in knowledge management, such as dissemination and dissemination of results as appropriate, according to the nature of the project.

In special cases that require reimbursement, the following must be presented:

  1. Original consumption invoices or other authorized receipts in the name of the proposer that has duly authorized tax documents (the receipts may not contain alcoholic beverages in the description). 
  2. When purchases exceed UDS 1,000.00 plus VAT, three proformas and a comparative table must be presented.
  3. Reimbursement requests must be made no later than 15 days after the expense was executed.

F. In the event that there are delays in the delivery of the visa, the applicant may request CEDIA under their responsibility to approve the budget execution through the reimbursement figure.

However, in the event that for any reason the researcher is unable to travel, CEDIA will not proceed with the refund.

g. The execution of the project budget must be carried out only within the period established in the agreement for each of the phases. Any expense incurred outside of this period will not be covered by CEDIA.

h. A justified extension may be requested for the project development phase of a maximum of 60 days, the approval of which will be at the discretion of CEDIA.

Yo. At the end of the project execution, CEDIA will issue an expense settlement report that will be detailed in the Agreement Settlement Minutes.

j. In the case of the Divulga Fund, the following will not be financed:

k. Proposals that correspond to extended summaries, posters, short articles, etc.

l. Articles that have been approved based on review only of the abstract or summary.

m. Previously published articles.

n. Utility models or industrial designs.

either. Patents that have only submitted their application and do not yet have their publication date, and/or that do not send the corresponding technical report.

p. Excess costs per travel request days before or after the event.

q. Transfers and accommodation of people other than the researcher, teacher or student presenting the scientific article or patent.

r. Any additional value in the purchase of tickets, generated by fines, penalties due to cancellations, changes of date or destination.

s. Tickets purchased and not used.

t. Expenses for visa application, illness, medical insurance and others.

or. Cell phones, chips, airtime for minutes

to. All applications will be subject to a formal review by the unit responsible for the Fund at CEDIA, which will consist of verifying compliance with the application requirements, established in section 5 of this document.

b. Within the formal evaluation process there will be only one opportunity for correction, which will have a period of 72 hours from notification of the process. If the modifications or delivery of complementary documentation requested by CEDIA is not made within the stipulated time, the proposal will be automatically discarded.

c. All applications that comply with the formal review will be subjected to a substantive evaluation that will be carried out by the CEDIAAcademic and Research Commission.

  • In the case of scientific articles, the CEDIA Academic and Research Commission will evaluate the indexing of the book of proceedings where the articles will be published according to impact factors and history of the congress.
  • In the case of inventions (patents), the Academic and Research Commission will evaluate the quality and significance of the dissemination event, and that, in turn, they are supported by high-level institutions.

to. The Academic and Research Commission will notify the responsible unit of CEDIA about the selected applications.

Applications that have passed the evaluation phase and have corrected the observations will be notified about the selection process and the Divulga Fund will be awarded for the amount approved in the application form, according to the distribution and conditions established therein. , within a maximum period of 20 days from receipt of the application.

For this purpose, CEDIA will send an adhesion agreement, which will be signed by the legal representative of the institution, or its delegate; provided that there is the legal capacity to do so and by the Executive Director of CEDIA.

The agreement signed by the selected institutions must be sent within a period of 30 calendar days from its sending.

Applicants undertake to:

  • Be responsible for the application they make, and exempt CEDIA from all liability regarding any claim or damage arising from their application.
  • Make the declarations of responsibility contained in the application form.
  • Send all documentation inherent to the Divulga Fund that is requested by CEDIA.

In case of award, they undertake to:

  • Subject to the terms and conditions of the respective adhesion agreement and its annexes sent by CEDIA; Therefore, they accept that it cannot be modified.
  • Comply with the bases of the fund and the agreement that is signed.
  • Comply with current regulations.
  • Do not infringe third party rights.
  • Exempt CEDIA and hold it harmless from any liability arising from a claim made by third parties whether administrative, judicial or extrajudicial.
  • Notify CEDIA within a maximum period of 72 hours of any development that arises in relation to the awarded project and that affects its normal development. The report will be accompanied by a rescheduling proposal if applicable.
  • Deliver the report on the results of the presentation at the funded congress within a period of 10 calendar days after the end date of the event.
  • Deliver the certificate of participation and photographs of the event requested in a timely manner by the unit in charge of the fund.
  • Act with ethics and professionalism.
  • Sign the adhesion agreement, understanding that no changes can be made to this document.
  • Manage the signing of the agreement by the legal representative of the institution to which it belongs and send it within the required period.

to. The awarded projects may be terminated for the following reasons:

  1. For compliance with the obligations of the agreement and the objectives of the project.
  2. By mutual agreement of the parties: due to duly proven force majeure or fortuitous events that do not allow the continuity of the project.
  3. Unilateral Closure: any of the parties may request unilateral closure due to non-compliance with any of the clauses of the adhesion agreement, and its enabling documents, as well as the bases of the Divulga Fund.

In the case of CEDIA, you may unilaterally decide to close the agreement when:

  1. The term for execution of the agreement has expired.
  2. Failure to comply with any of the processes related to acquisitions.
  3. The proponent will not present the information requested by the project managers in the agreed times in order to make the acquisitions in a timely manner.
  4. The proposer will not present the results report after 10 calendar days after the event or congress.
  5. CEDIA has requested pending documents on up to three repeated occasions and the applicant has not sent them.
  6. Due to any legal conflict that prevents continuing with the execution of the project, especially when regulations, permits or third-party rights have been violated. In this case, all responsibility will be assumed by the transgressing counterparty, excluding CEDIA and holding it harmless from any conflict that may arise in relation to this non-compliance.
  7. In the case of the proposing HEI, it will not have a current Advanced Network contract at any stage of the Fund.

In the case of universities, they may decide unilateral termination when:

  1. CEDIA will refuse to deliver or manage the resources according to the Application Form.
  2. CEDIA fails to comply with the financing amounts established in the agreement.

b. To close the adhesion agreement, the participating organizations will sign a liquidation and closure document issued by CEDIA; in which the status of compliance with objectives, generated deliverables, budget execution, settlement of expenses and the results obtained during its execution will be established.

Within the minutes, an evaluation of the applicant's efficiency and compliance will be included and must be signed by the parties appearing in the agreement.

CEDIA will apply the following sanctions depending on the fault committed by the project participants:

to. Impediment to apply and award funds in future calls:

  1. When CEDIA has determined the early closing of the adhesion agreement. In this case, the impediment will only be for the participant who has failed to comply with his obligations.
  2. The participant who has not justified the expenses incurred will not be able to participate in future calls.
  3. When the applicant infringes intellectual property rights, they will not be able to participate in any other CEDIAcall.
  4. Any act of corruption will be punished with a ban on participation in future CEDIA calls and will be reported to the legal representative of the respective institution.

The records of these sanctions will be kept by the legal area of CEDIA, which will notify the area responsible for the fund about the impossibility of participation by the institution or one of its members.

It is possible that within each call CEDIA has access to confidential information of the applicant or related third parties. Confidential information will be understood to be only that which is identified by the applicant as confidential or privileged. As such, CEDIA undertakes to apply all reasonable security measures to prevent unauthorized disclosure, access or use of the applicant's Confidential Information.  

Applicants acquire the same commitment regarding any type of information belonging to CEDIA to which they have access. 

In this framework, both the applicant, as well as CEDIA, acquire the obligation to enforce these commitments to their employees and related third parties. Likewise, they undertake not to use the information in a manner other than that authorized or for their own benefit or that of third parties without express written authorization.  


Information that has been disclosed by any means before applying to the fund will not be confidential.

The exchange of information that arises from the relationship that may exist on the occasion of this call will not be interpreted as a transfer or granting of any property right over the Confidential Information that belongs to the disclosing Party, neither before, during, nor after the validity of the existing relationship. There is also no obligation to purchase or pay for access to said information or for its authorized use within the framework of this call. 

Specific issues of confidentiality of information will be established in the specific agreement or contract of each fund. 

The intellectual property rights that may arise due to, and as a result of, any activity linked to the application or execution of the project due to its participation in this call will correspond to its creators or to whoever can demonstrate ownership of those rights. The same treatment will be given to the property rights over databases that are generated for the fulfillment of this call, with which these will be owned by whoever provides and manages them in accordance with the regulations in force and applicable to the matter.  

All intellectual creations generated in relation to this call will be covered by current regulations on intellectual property and under no circumstances will they be understood as assigned or transferred to CEDIA unless there is an express agreement.

For their part, applicants must guarantee that their applications as well as the documents that are attached and incorporated in the execution of the fund do not infringe the rights of third parties in accordance with current regulations. In general, when applying, you declare and guarantee that the rights of third parties are not being infringed or harmed, and you undertake to hold CEDIA harmless from any claim that may arise from your participation.

In the event that there are claims from third parties, the applicants are obliged to assume the judicial or extrajudicial defense expenses of CEDIA, according to the professionals designated by the latter.

When participating institutions apply, they authorize CEDIA to use their institutional logo, which will be used to publicize their participation or its results, without requiring any payment or benefit.   

In the event that it is required to use any distinctive sign of CEDIAownership, the applicant must process express written authorization for that purpose. 

Regarding the dissemination, monitoring and closing of the activities resulting from each fund, the applicants authorize CEDIA to use their image and voice in the live broadcast and reproduction of photographs, recordings as well as the editing and publication of dissemination products. in any medium of their participation in the project, as well as the results generated therein, making use of their image for their institutional purposes (except information to be kept under discretion as a pure research object), as long as no policy is violated. of confidentiality.

This authorization will be global, non-onerous, perpetual and respectful of the moral rights of the creators of the works generated, so participants will have the right to receive a copy of the edited material when they request it from CEDIA. 


Every deliverable generated from the project must indicate that the activity has been financed by CEDIA. If it is audiovisual material or any other material that can be published, a document must be attached that authorizes its dissemination by CEDIA , respecting intellectual property rights. A copy of these documents must be delivered to the corresponding area.

The owner of the personal data, as a participant, is informed that the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia (CEDIA) with address at Gonzalo Cordero 2-122 and J. Fajardo Cuenca-Ecuador and email address of contact protecciondedatos@cedia.org.ec is the entity responsible for the processing of personal data that is processed as a consequence and purpose of the management of the fund.

CEDIA takes the protection of your privacy and your personal data very seriously. Therefore, your personal information is kept securely and treated with the utmost care.

In accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations regarding the protection of personal data, each participant, with the acceptance of these Legal Bases, consents that the personal data provided for participation in this fund be processed by CEDIA, to process the participation and to make contact in case you win.

The legal basis of the treatment is the consent that is requested and the participant freely grants. The participant may revoke consent at any time.

Personal data will not be communicated to third parties outside the service/benefit, except when there is a legal obligation to do so and will be kept by CEDIA for the years necessary to comply with the legal obligations related to the fund, or until its deletion is requested and there are no conflicting conditions determined in the binding regulations.

Personal data will only be communicated to the EasyChair web platform, for the purpose of evaluating and selecting the winning proposal and substitutes by the CEDIAAcademic and Research Commission. Consequently, the management in relation to the processing of personal data carried out on the platform is subject to the terms and conditions of the EasyChair website. CEDIA is exempt from liability for any use that may be made by a third party not authorized by CEDIA.

Likewise, the data of the fund winner, as well as their image, may be published on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, magazines and CEDIAwebsites, as a consequence of the promotion of the contest in CEDIA's own media. For this, your consent is requested in these bases.

Participants guarantee that the personal data provided are true and the communication of personal data is treated with an appropriate legal basis and are responsible for communicating to CEDIAany modification thereof. CEDIA reserves the right to exclude from this call any participant who has provided false information or who does not comply with the rest of the fund's requirements. It is recommended to take maximum diligence in matters of Personal Data Protection through the use of security tools, and CEDIA cannot be held responsible for illegal theft, modification or loss of data.

By virtue of the institutional tools used by CEDIA, whose servers are hosted outside the territory of Ecuador (without limitation, the US, Europe, etc.), personal data would be subject to international transfers. However, this international data transfer has all the necessary security guarantees.

The owner may exercise his/her rights of access, rectification and updating, deletion, opposition or, when legally appropriate, portability, by sending CEDIA a request to the aforementioned address.

more cedia we make our privacy policy available to you at the following link: https://cedia.edu.ec/politica-de-privacidad/