IDi Universities Fund

Mitochondria transplantation as a new therapy to improve tissue regeneration in surgical wounds: preclinical trial in mice

General Objective: To evaluate the use of mitochondria transplantation to improve tissue regeneration of a cutaneous surgical wound in preclinical trials. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: USFQ, UPS, UTN, BIOCELLS. Participants: Director of the MD project. Francisco Cabrera, Ph.D. Awarded budget: $63072 Project status: Signing of agreements.

Mitochondria transplantation as a new therapy to improve tissue regeneration in surgical wounds: preclinical trial in mice Read More »

Evaluation of environmentally sustainable technologies for the removal of manganese from catchment water for purification

General Objective: Evaluate biosorption and membrane technologies for the removal of manganese from the catchment water of the Tixán Potabilization Plant, considering environmental, technical and economic aspects. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: UC, UEA, UTA, ETAPA. Participants: Project Director Eng. Mayra Vera, PhD. Awarded budget: $50,855 Project status: Signing of agreements.

Evaluation of environmentally sustainable technologies for the removal of manganese from catchment water for purification Read More »

Physicochemical and functional characterization and bioactivity tests of two ecotypes of grafted and control tree tomato (solanum betaceum cav.) at different maturity index

General Objective: Determine the physical-chemical, functional and bioactivity characteristics of two ecotypes of grafted and control tree tomato (Solanum betaceum Cav.) at different maturity rates. For this, fruits at different degrees of maturity will be collected and the parameters established in the NTE INEN 1909.2009 Standard will be measured on the fruit. The functional compounds

Physicochemical and functional characterization and bioactivity tests of two grafted and control tree tomato ecotypes (solanum betaceum cav.) at different maturity index Read More »

Comprehensive management of tourism in the communities of the Cotacachi Cayapas National Park

General Objective: Determine the baseline, which will allow proposing a conversion process, of the communities located in the province of Imbabura of the PNCC, in a sustainable tourist destination and with empowered members (social capital). Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: UTN, UDLA, UPEC Participants: Project Director Ing. Xavier Dávalos, PhD. Awarded budget: $28684 Project status: Signing of agreements.

Comprehensive management of tourism in the communities of the Cotacachi Cayapas National Park Read more »

Towards a systemic model for the creation of scientific-technological-based ventures in higher education institutions in Ecuador

General Objective: Develop a systemic model that promotes the generation of EBCT scientific-technological-based ventures within Higher Education Institutions -IES, based on the characterization and definition of the main factors that promote the creation of this type of ventures within from an academic field. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: UC, YACHAY, UPEC.

Towards a systemic model for the creation of scientific-technological ventures in higher education institutions in Ecuador Read More »

Environmental resilience in urban socio-ecological systems of neo-tropical cities, Quito and Guayaquil cases

General Objective: Expand knowledge regarding the urban environmental quality of the cities of Ecuador, considering a framework of complex adaptive systems that integrates different socio-ecological dimensions from a space-time approach and establishes sustainability criteria that include these dimensions, generating a box of tools that can be applied in planning dynamics

Environmental resilience in urban socio-ecological systems of neo-tropical cities, Quito and Guayaquil cases Read More »

Definition of the conservation states of the tropical dry forest. Towards an adaptive management approach

General Objective: Establish a validated methodology for the generation of state-transition models of the dry forest at the Ecuadorian level as a tool for planning management, monitoring and restoration actions of this ecosystem. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: UTPL, ULEAM, UNL, UTMACH. Participants: Project director Andrea Katherine Jara Guerrero. Awarded budget: $37,520 Project status: Signing of agreements.

Definition of the conservation states of the tropical dry forest. Towards an adaptive management approach Read More »

Innovation in times of crisis: Knowledge and Technology Transfer Program for the Post-COVID-19 Economic Reactivation in MiPymes of the Chemical Sector and Services of the provinces: Azuay, Loja and Pichincha

General Objective: Develop a plan for the transfer of knowledge, technology and management improvement, which reactivates the activities of MSMEs in the Chemical and Services sectors of the provinces: Azuay, Pichincha and Loja. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: UC, UDA, UTPL, UCE, CAPIA. Participants: Project Director Jorge Arturo Campoverde Campoverde. Awarded budget: $36,114 State of

Innovation in times of crisis: Knowledge and Technology Transfer Program for the Post-COVID-19 Economic Reactivation in MiPymes of the Chemical Sector and Services of the provinces: Azuay, Loja and Pichincha Read More »

Valorization of plant extracts as eco-friendly inhibitors of admiralty copper corrosion in an acid medium

General Objective: To evaluate the use of extracts of dragon's blood (Croton lechleri), lupine (Lupinus mutabilis) and banana (Musa acuminata) as eco-friendly inhibitors of admiralty copper corrosion in an acid medium. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: YACHAY, UCE, IKIAM, UTPL. Participants: Project Director Alex Uriel Palma Cando. Awarded budget: $40,700.36 Project status: Signing of agreements.

Valorization of plant extracts as eco-friendly inhibitors of admiralty copper corrosion in acid medium Read More »

Democratization of artificial intelligence learning from an early age in Ecuador

General Objective: Evaluate the application of mathematics and computing in the process of democratization of the teaching-learning of Artificial Intelligence from an early age in Ecuador. Specific Objectives Participating Institutions: UNL, UEB, UTPL, UIDE, UE SANTA MARIANITA DE JESÚS, ITS DANIEL ALVAREZ BURNEO, MIN EDUCACIÓN ZONA 7. Participants: Project Director Luis Antonio Chamba Eras.

Democratization of artificial intelligence learning from an early age in Ecuador Read More »